Monday, July 8, 2013

Homemade Moon Dough!!

Okay, this is too great not to share! Kids these days are totally over play dough and into this moon dough stuff. I went to Walmart just to scope out the prices, and see if it was worth it to invest in some for the kids.To my surprise it was around $13 for the smallest container! I decided to put purchasing moon dough on hold for a later date, and am I ever glad I did!

That night I went on pintrest, just browsing the craft section. Nothing too interesting caught my eye, until I clicked on a link that said "Cloud Dough". I was totally thrilled when I seen 2 ingredients on the list. Ingredients which I had sitting in my cupboard!! I raced to the kitchen, grabbed a spoon and rubber maid bin and got to work. It literally took 5 minutes of my time and no money at all. So here it is... the moment you've been waiting for. The ingredient list.

All you need is:
-Corn starch
-A bottle of shaving cream

Mix those 2 ingredients together and you have instant moon dough! The only unpleasant experience I had was that I only had men's Gillette shaving cream in my closet so it was an overwhelming smell. I would suggest using unscented, or a flowery woman's shaving cream. Other than that I hope this helped you guys save some money, and enjoy with your kids!

Painting with Salt

I came across this neat idea that was really simple, and exciting for the kids to do. Basically it is painting with salt. The kids enjoyed watching the colours crawl across their papers and compared the little wiggling lines to fire works. It was lots of fun, not too messy, and a super easy craft to put together.

All you need is:

-Salt (table salt works best)
-food colouring
-paint brushes

The first thing we did was take our blank sheets of paper and glue salt all over them.

 While we let our glue dry a little bit we mixed our food colouring in with our water. We used the small dixie cups, and filled them about 3/4 of the way. We used about 2-3 drops of food colouring for each colour.

The kids then started to dip their paint brushes into the different colours and drop the water onto the salt covered paper. The water started reaching across the paper and creating neat little wiggly lines.

In the end the kids started to paint the whole paper by blotting it with the paint brushes. The paintings begin to look like water colours, and the colours belended together to create beautiful designs.

 After we were finished clean up was as easy as dumping the water down the drain, rinsing off the paint brushes, and wiping the table of any excess salt. This is definitely a craft we will be doing again in the future.

Red and White day

I know I'm a little late with this post, but better late than never right??

The Friday before Canada Day the kids celebrated by wearing all red and white. They dolled themselves up and put on their best outfits! We celebrated with red and white foods like pizza, strawberries, vanilla cupcakes and some watermelon.We got totally in the Canada day spirit with some super awesome tottoos for the boys and nail designs for the girls! The kids had a blast and so did we. To finish off our fabulous Friday we headed outside just before the rain started and tried out our "frozen chalk". It's pretty much a mixture of cornstarch water and food colouring. I will go more into detail in another post, and I will be sure to do step by step pictures along with recipe. Hope you all enjoyed your Canada day!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

School's out for the Summer!!

As of last Friday school is out, and that means SUMMER VACATION!!!!! Well for the kids at least. Lately the daycare has been so hectic and chaotic I haven't had a moment to think. The kids have been out of control. I don't know if it is from the hot weather, super moon, their age, or what, but they have been crazy! Fortunately for me the last day of school means one of the last few days of chaos. Starting next week we will only have a few kids, which means quiet easy going days filled with fun and sun.

   For the summer I am trying to put together a binder filled with work sheets, games (indoor and outdoor), and crafts. This will make it easier on my boos and I instead of struggling to figure out what we should do for craft, or what we should do outside that day. However these kids seem to have either done everything, or just get bored with things super easily! So I'm putting the question out there to all parents, aunts, uncles, creative people, fellow ECE's or anyone with a great idea.... What the heck should we do this summer?? If you have an idea let me know in the comments below or send an email!!